Haile Mariam Desalegne

Haile-Mariam Desalegne is an Ethiopian politician. He was President of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region (SNNPR) from November 2001 to March 2006 and was promoted as Deputy Prime Minister[1] and Minister of Foreign Affairs in October 2010.[2] He has been performing leadership roles as deputy Chair Man of EPRDF, Chair Man of SEPDM, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs[3]. His service term has been as follows: Public Offices: V/President of SNNPR (2000-2002); President of SNNPR(2002 -2005); Member of House of People’s Representatives (2005-now); Social Affairs Special Advisor to the PM, then Public Mobilization & Participation Special Advisor to the Prime Minister (2005 – 2008); Government Chief Whip, with a Ministerial portfolio (2008 – 2010). Party Posts: Member of the Executive Committee EPRDF and SEPDM (2000-now); Chairman of SEPDM (2002-now); Dep. Chairman of EPRDF(since Sept 2010).

Haile Mariam obtained a bachelor degree in civil engineering from the Addis Ababa University in 1988. He subsequently worked as a graduate assistant in the Arba Minch Water Technology Institute (now Arba Minch University). After two years of working in this capacity, he won a scholarship to Tampere University of Technology in Finland and obtained a masters degree in sanitation engineering. Upon his return to Ethiopia he served in different academic and administrative capacities, including the dean of the Water Technology Institute, for 13 years.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, he became seriously involved in politics as member of the EPRDF (Ethiopia's ruling party) and became the deputy president of SNNPR. He replaced Abate Kisho who was removed from power on corruption charges, but it is widely believed that Abate was demoted for supporting the anti-Meles Zenawi faction when the TPLF (the core of the EPRDF) split in 2000.

Hailemariam is a controversial figure especially for his manipulative and divisive agenda. People who know him closely accuse him of blindly serving the interests Zenawi, who has been ruling Ethiopia with an iron-fist for the last two decades.

After his tenure as President of the SNNPR, Haile Mariam worked in the Prime Minister's Office as the advisor on Social Affairs and Civic Organizations and Partnerships for two years. ==See also==


  1. ^ [http://www.waltainfo.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=27897&Itemid=74.Walta Information Center Published in Aug 10, 2011 (accessed 13 Sep, 2011)
  2. ^ "Opposition dismiss new 'one party' Ethiopian government", Sudan Tribune, published 6 October 2010 (accessed 17 November 2010)
  3. ^ [http://bilisummaa.com/index.php?mod=article&cat=Afriikaa&article=1559, Oromiya, Published 13,10, 2010. (accessed in 13, 09, 2011)

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